थकावट का अंग्रेजी अर्थ

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the hindi language with its free online services. English meaning of थकावट is as below...

थकावट : thakāvaṭ fu weariness, fatigue, tiresomeness, exhaustion: रास्ते की ~ -- of travel; ~ आना/लगना to get tired/fatigued/ exhausted; ~ मिटाना (दूर करना) to remove --. [v थकना, थकाना]


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thig·lī fc patch: क़मीज़ पर की ~ a -- on the shirt; ~ लगाना to sew a --, to mend with a --.
thā vi was; [fem. थी; m pl. थे, fem. pl. थीं were]: वह वहाँ थी, मैं नहीं था she was there, I was not; वे फल ख़राब थे those fruits were bad; वे औरतें तब यहाँ थीं those women were then here. [as Aux.] वह सोया हुआ था he was alseep; वे जा रहे थे they were going; वे जाते थे they used to go; वे गये थे they had gone; मुझे जाना था I had to go; मैं जा सकता था I could go.
thūk mu sputum, spittle: ~ की डाक्टरी परीक्षा medical test of --. △ ~ उछालना/बिलोना to indulge in chattering. थू है fie on thee !
² thān mc piece/length (of cloth): लठ्ठे के दो ~ two --s of long-cloth; यह कपड़ा ~ से लिया है, कट-पीस नहीं है it is not a cut-piece, it has been taken from a full length cloth.
thāīlā mc wallet, bag; थैले में कोई चीज़ रखना to put smth in a --; सब्ज़ी का ~ -- for vegetable. [dim. थैली; syn. झोला] △ थैलियाँ भेंट करना to present purses; थैली का मुँह खोलना to be generous in spending, to spend liberally.
thiyeṭar mc theatre [नया new, प्रसिद्ध famous]; सिनेमा ~ cinema --; ~ जाना to go to the --; ~ देखना to see a --.
thakā-mã̄dā a worn and wearied, jaded [कुली porter, यात्री traveller, पर्यटक tourist].
thakānā vt to tire out, to fatigue: काम कराते-कराते तुमने मज़दूर को थका दिया है by taking too much work, you have tired the labourer.
thūk·nā I. vi to spit: ~ मना है spitting is forbidden; किसी के मुँह पर ~ -- at one's face. △ मैं इस पर थूकता भी नहॣं I care a fig for it; थूककर चाटना to go back on one's words. II. vt to spit out: फल का छिलका थूक दो spit out the peel of the fruit; कफ़ ~ to spit out phlegm.
tharmāmīṭar mc thermometer: ~ से तापमान जाँचना to measure temperature with a --; बग़ल या मुँह में ~ लगाना to hold -- in the armpit or in the mouth.
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