How to install KCS Devanagari PlaineC in your computer?
For Windows 7 / Vista users:
- Right-click the KCS Devanagari PlaineC font file(s) and choose "Install".
For users of the previous Windows versions:
- Copy KCS Devanagari PlaineC font & pest into a default Windows font folder (usually
For Mac users:
Mac OS X 10.3 or above (including the FontBook)
- Double-click KCS Devanagari PlaineC font file and hit "Install font"
button at
the bottom of the preview.
Mac OS X
- Either copy the KCS Devanagari PlaineC font file(s) to /Library/Fonts (for all
users), or to /Users/Your_username/Library/Fonts (for you only).
Mac OS 9 or earlier
- You have to convert the KCS Devanagari PlaineC font file(s) you have downloaded. Drag
the font suitcases into the System folder. The system will propose you to add
them to the Fonts folder.
For Linux users:
- Copy the KCS Devanagari PlaineC font file(s) to /USR/SHARE/FONTS